
Top Three Natural Senolytics And Why You Need Them

ReviewedReviewed by Susan Clark

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Top Three Natural Senolytics And Why You Need Them about undefined

Imagine a silent army of rogue cells lurking within your body, refusing to die and wreaking havoc on your health. These so-called "zombie cells"—scientifically known as senescent cells—are linked to numerous age-related diseases, from arthritis to Alzheimer’s. But what if we told you that your body has been fighting these cells all along? And that the secret to keeping them at bay might be hidden in the very foods you eat? Scientists are uncovering groundbreaking ways to eliminate or even rejuvenate these cells, offering promising strategies to slow aging and reclaim vitality. The real question is—how can you take control today?

Key Takeaways

  • Senescent Cells Are a Double-Edged Sword: While these cells contribute to aging and disease, they also play a role in tissue repair and regeneration. The key is to eliminate them before they become harmful.

  • Senolytics Offer a New Frontier in Anti-Aging: Drugs like senolytics and rapamycin show promise in clearing or reversing senescent cells, potentially extending lifespan and improving age-related conditions.

  • Natural Nutritional Senolytics Exist: Compounds like quercetin, fisetin, and grape seed extract have been shown to target and reduce senescent cells, offering a dietary approach to longevity.

Zombie Cells Are Destroying Your Health—Here’s How to Stop Them!

We’ve written a lot about senescent cells lately. These are cells that have grown old and stopped functioning normally. We called them zombie cells in the past and they’re linked to several diseases of aging.

The thing is, senescent cells aren’t just found in seniors, babies also produce them.

The difference is that the young immune system clobbers them immediately, but as we get older, senescent cells hang around, clogging up tissues. Numerous approaches to rid the body of these zombie cells are currently undergoing human trials, but you don’t have to wait. There’s much you can do right now to save your health from senescence just by eating the right foods and nutrients. Senescent cells accumulate in all tissues and play a central role in multiple aging processes such as arthritis, osteoporosis, neurodegeneration, macular degeneration, cancer, kidney failure, vascular diseases, stroke, muscle wasting, and frailty.

These dysfunctional ‘down but not out’ cells inflict harm by secreting a slew of toxins that damage the surrounding environment, chew up collagen, and promote chronic inflammation. One reason they proliferate is that the aging immune system can’t cope with them, but the gene p53 might come to the rescue…

Genes are the trigger behind senescence

P53 is the tumor suppressor gene. During the cell cycle, this ‘tumor suppressor’ gene oversees the process making sure cells grow and divide without errors, which can occur for multiple reasons.

If the gene finds any mistakes it repairs them before allowing the cycle to proceed. If this isn’t possible the cell is instructed to commit suicide. When cells come to the end of their natural life p53 should similarly instruct the cell to self-destruct. However, that doesn’t always happen. That’s because of a second gene, a gene called p21.

Researchers wanted to know why these genes work together, and they found a surprising answer…Not all senescent cells are bad.

Researchers were surprised to discover that senescent cells have positive attributes. They secrete growth factors that encourage tissue repair and regeneration. In animal research, this is seen in skin cells, and it’s suspected this healing takes place in other organs too. Lab findings also show these cells are needed for normal amphibian and mouse embryo development.

So, senescent cells represent a double-edged sword. They’re necessary, but you don’t want them sticking around too long. To date, two approaches have been devised to clear them.

Preventing senescent cell damage

The first approach is to get rid of senescent cells with drugs called senolytics. Studies in mice show that by taking senolytics calcified arteries were cleared or prevented, and improvements were seen in arthritic joints. A senolytic drug allowed very old mice to live 36 percent longer, an astonishing result.

Senolytics are seen as a major area of anti-aging research with many human clinical trials - mostly conducted by the prestigious Mayo Clinic - in progress to see if they’re effective in treating chronic kidney disease, Alzheimer’s, osteoarthritis, frailty, and more, without negating the positive attributes of senescent cells.Researchers already completed one trial which included 14 patients with a progressive, fatal lung condition called idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). The team found significant improvements in standing and walking ability.

The second approach aims to reverse senescence so cells function normally again. This can be done by using the drug rapamycin. Under normal use, the drug has serious side effects but by manipulating the dosage and using it intermittently it proved safe in middle-aged companion dogs with improvements seen in heart function. Human aging studies are the next step, and they’re being planned.

These cells can also be zapped back to life with ultrasound. We reported on this research in June and the initial findings are encouraging. Clearing senescent cells by either approach appears to be a promising way to slow aging and age-related conditions in the future. Fortunately, you don’t have to wait for brand-new, untested, expensive drugs and treatments, there are many natural ways to help defeat senescence right now.

Nature’s top three nutritional senolytics

  • Quercetin: The current senolytic therapy of choice combines a drug with quercetin, an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound found in a wide variety of healthy foods. As a senolytic this combination targets the endothelial cells that line the arteries. Western diets contain 3mg to 40 mg per day, but a high intake of fruits and vegetables can provide a very healthy 250 mg. Increasing your quercetin intake through diet or supplementation is a wise idea with or without a senolytic drug, since this antioxidant has a positive effect on cells throughout the body.

  • Fisetin: This antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound is the most potent senolytic found in plants. It’s so powerful it’s currently being tested as the sole therapeutic agent in ten human trials. Amounts found in fruits and vegetables are way too small to act as a senolytic so it would have to be taken as a supplement.

  • Grape seed extract: This supplement is rich in antioxidants and contains a senolytic compound called procyanidin C1 which extended the life of already elderly mice by 9.4 percent.

  • These are the most important compounds because their value has been demonstrated in animal and human studies. However, there are potentially many more.

In a recent review of cells studied in a petri dish, the researchers wrote: “Naringenin, hesperetin, hesperidin, quercetin, fisetin, kaempferol, rutin, apigenin, luteolin, nobiletin, tangeretin, genistein, wogonin, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), theaflavin-3-gallate (TF2A), and procyanidin C1 possess potent antisenescence effects.”

These are all flavonoids and will be found in a diet containing plenty of fruits (including citrus), vegetables, herbs, spices, beans, and green or black tea.


Senescent cells, also known as “zombie cells,” accumulate in the body as we age, contributing to diseases such as arthritis, neurodegeneration, and cardiovascular conditions. While these cells play a temporary role in healing, their prolonged presence causes chronic inflammation and tissue damage. Scientists are exploring pharmaceutical solutions like senolytics and rapamycin to remove or rejuvenate these cells, but natural compounds—such as quercetin, fisetin, and grape seed extract—offer accessible and effective alternatives. By incorporating these powerful nutrients into your diet, you can take proactive steps toward slowing the aging process and improving long-term health.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are senescent cells, and why are they called ‘zombie cells’?

Senescent cells are aged cells that stop functioning properly but refuse to die, leading to inflammation and tissue damage, much like zombies that refuse to stay dead.

Are senescent cells always bad?

Not necessarily. They help with tissue repair and embryonic development, but when they accumulate, they contribute to aging and disease.

What are senolytics, and how do they work?

Senolytics are drugs designed to selectively eliminate senescent cells, reducing inflammation and potentially extending lifespan.

Can diet really help reduce senescent cells?

Yes! Natural compounds like quercetin, fisetin, and grape seed extract have been shown to have senolytic properties, helping to clear out aging cells.

Are there any risks to removing senescent cells?

While eliminating harmful senescent cells is beneficial, researchers are still studying how to do so without disrupting their positive regenerative functions.

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