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The Mermaid Secret for Hair Growth about false

Natural Health

The Mermaid Secret for Hair Growth

Several deep-sea nutrients that can help just about anyone concerned with hair loss.

Can Water Save An Enlarged Prostate? about false

Natural Health

Can Water Save An Enlarged Prostate?

Older men are often plagued with an enlarged prostate, which increases their urge to urinate.

How To Use Forest Bathing To Fight Aging about false

Natural Health

How To Use Forest Bathing To Fight Aging

A growing body of research shows that forest bathing significantly boosts your health and mood.

The Cheap Nutrient That Could Save a Million Brains about false

Natural Health

The Cheap Nutrient That Could Save a Million Brains

A safe, widely available antioxidant nutrient is now being recognized as a brain-protector that can both defend your brain against the damage of a concussion and help improve your brain if you get

Does Your Nose Contain A Hidden Longevity Secret? about false

Natural Health

Does Your Nose Contain A Hidden Longevity Secret?

The most common problems affecting the eyes and ears can be corrected with lenses and hearing aids. But there’s no implement that can give a leg up to another important sense that can fade with

Nightly Habit Can Add Years To Your Life about false

Natural Health

Nightly Habit Can Add Years To Your Life

You may be one of the millions who likes to settle into bed with a good book every night before you turn out the light.Maybe you like murder mysteries. Or perhaps you’ve got your nose in a historical

This Slow, Gentle Exercise Adds Years To Your Life about false

Natural Health

This Slow, Gentle Exercise Adds Years To Your Life

If you’re one of those folks who’s not crazy about huffing and puffing through frequent exercise sessions, I’ve got good news…The series of slow, controlled movements called tai chi might be just the

Is A Fat Immune System Causing You To Get Sick And Age? about false

Natural Health

Is A Fat Immune System Causing You To Get Sick And Age?

The headquarters of our immune system is in our lymph nodes. It’s where immune cells congregate and are activated. As you age, your lymph nodes-- like much of the rest of your body-- accumulate fat.

Go Green And Live To 100 about false

Natural Health

Go Green And Live To 100

When people say “go green” they usually mean to start thinking about the environmental impact of our day-to-day activities. But, if you ask a small group of anti-aging researchers, “going green”

How Long Should You Exercise To Lengthen Your Life? about false

Natural Health

How Long Should You Exercise To Lengthen Your Life?

People who positively enjoy exercise are very lucky; many do it grudgingly. If you’re in the latter category the latest research should thrill you. It shows exercise needn’t take up more than two

This Simple Daily Habit Will Lengthen Your Life about false

Natural Health

This Simple Daily Habit Will Lengthen Your Life

How would you like an effortless way to reduce fatigue, have more energy, curb overeating, prevent constipation, enjoy more radiant skin, and improve mood, focus and short-term memory?If that

Avoid This Ingredient And Sharpen Your Memory about false

Natural Health

Avoid This Ingredient And Sharpen Your Memory

Many studies have explored the relationship between diet and cognitive function as you age. They’ve all come to similar conclusions - when you avoid processed food you improve your chances of

When “Feeling Tired” Is Something More Serious… about false

Natural Health

When “Feeling Tired” Is Something More Serious…

Feeling tired? That’s understandable if you’ve had a busy day at the office, thrown yourself into yardwork or just completed an aerobics session. But what if you’ve done nothing more than water the

Genes or Age – What Determines The Quality of Your Golden Years? about false

Natural Health

Genes or Age – What Determines The Quality of Your Golden Years?

Even late in life we still hope to ascend flights of stairs, decipher puzzles, and steer clear of infirmity and serious disease. But many believe such desirable outcomes are out of our hands due to

Did You Ever Smoke? Here’s What You Need To Know… about false

Natural Health

Did You Ever Smoke? Here’s What You Need To Know…

If you’re one of the 52 million former smokers in the United States, good job! You’ve made a commitment to your health and well-being, so why not keep the ball rolling?A new study shows that by

How Fast You Eat Matters To Your Health about false

Natural Health

How Fast You Eat Matters To Your Health

Not many people seem to pay much attention to how fast they eat. But you should...Especially if you want to stay healthier and slimmer as you age.New research shows that you can use eating speed to

Want To Live Longer? Get Enough Sleep… about false

Natural Health

Want To Live Longer? Get Enough Sleep…

We all know that sleep is good for us. Waking up from a deep slumber helps us feel physically and emotionally refreshed.Unfortunately, in times like these last three years – with the pandemic and

Drink This To Lower High Blood Sugar about false

Natural Health

Drink This To Lower High Blood Sugar

If you’ve got diabetes, you’re probably doing everything in your power to get rid of it.And if you don’t have diabetes, you’re probably doing everything in your power to NEVER get it.No matter what

Is This The Healthiest Fruit You Can Eat? about false

Natural Health

Is This The Healthiest Fruit You Can Eat?

When scientists at Cornell University investigated the anti-aging potential of a popular fruit they uncovered a stunning collection of natural compounds that support better health and longer

Coffee Is Becoming The “Next Big Thing” In Anti-Aging about false

Natural Health

Coffee Is Becoming The “Next Big Thing” In Anti-Aging

We’ve written several times about the anti-aging benefits of drinking coffee. Most recently, we told you about a study from Europe proving coffee’s a longevity-booster.Since then, there’s been

Popular Joint Supplement Slashes Pain And The Risk Of Death about false

Natural Health

Popular Joint Supplement Slashes Pain And The Risk Of Death

Cyclists and runners use this over-the-counter natural supplement to prevent musculoskeletal problems. And people over 50 use it to help ease joint pain or osteoarthritis.Studies exploring its

Is The Lighting In Your House Making You Old Too Soon? about false

Natural Health

Is The Lighting In Your House Making You Old Too Soon?

LED lights, like the kind in cell phones and lighting fixtures, have revolutionized the way we live our lives. They're brighter, cheaper, use less energy, and last longer than traditional light

Does Salt Age You? about false

Natural Health

Does Salt Age You?

The first well-controlled study to test whether salt added to your plate leads to premature death has come up with a clear answer. Yes, it does.The lead author suggests leaving the saltshaker in the

Can You Exercise Away A Bad Diet? about false

Natural Health

Can You Exercise Away A Bad Diet?

Remember that last time you indulged in a greasy pizza or gigantic slice of cheesecake? Perhaps you assuaged your guilt by telling yourself that you’d soon be exercising away the negative health

“Flamingo Test” Determines Your Longevity about false

Natural Health

“Flamingo Test” Determines Your Longevity

An international team of researchers believe a new test can reveal a lot about your state of health and your longevity.Best of all, this test couldn’t be easier. I’ve dubbed it the “flamingo test”

Does Time-Restricted Eating Really Extend Life? about false

Natural Health

Does Time-Restricted Eating Really Extend Life?

From flies and worms to rodents and primates, numerous studies in laboratory animals have shown that calorie restriction extends lifespan. But translating calorie restriction to people over the

What Your Eyes Say About Your Longevity about false

Natural Health

What Your Eyes Say About Your Longevity

When researchers recently investigated how our organs interact as we get older and how they influence our longevity, they got a shock.Because when they examined the eyes to see how aging slowed down

“Youth Fluid” Reverses Memory Loss about false

Natural Health

“Youth Fluid” Reverses Memory Loss

Horror movies and books have portrayed the harvesting and transplanting of blood and organs from the youthful to the aged as a means of increasing longevity.Unimaginably, this grisly concept is given

Extend Your Life… With Sugar?! about false

Natural Health

Extend Your Life… With Sugar?!

For years, we’ve heard nothing but bad news about sugar…It will ruin your heart… your brain… and even your waistline. And it’s all true. But I’m here to tell you there’s actually some GOOD news when

This Simple Ten-Minute Activity That Can Add Decades to Your Life about false

Natural Health

This Simple Ten-Minute Activity That Can Add Decades to Your Life

It’s easy to dismiss the idea that putting one foot in front of the other could be one of the very best ways to avoid an early grave.Don’t worry, I’m not referring to jogging; merely walking.It seems

Your Grandma’s Secret to Longevity about false

Natural Health

Your Grandma’s Secret to Longevity

There’s a room in your house that holds the key to longer life expectancy and a healthier old age. And chances are it’s a place where your parents and grandparents spent more time than you do. But

Why Aging Makes You More Generous… about false

Natural Health

Why Aging Makes You More Generous…

When aged 67, the one-time richest man in the world, J. Paul Getty, famously installed a coin-operated pay phone in his mansion for his guests. His miserliness never waned, even with advancing

Little-Known Longevity Secret Improves Lifespan 30 percent! about false

Natural Health

Little-Known Longevity Secret Improves Lifespan 30 percent!

Your mitochondria are the “batteries” that supply power to your cells, and thereby to your body.However, as you age your mitochondria can become damaged or dysfunctional.1 Also, the number of

New Discovery for Staying Lean, Fit and Long-Lived about false

Natural Health

New Discovery for Staying Lean, Fit and Long-Lived

A new scientific discovery could be a dream come true for the one in three Americans who are chronically overweight or obese. That’s because this discovery burns energy, lowers body fat, boosts

New Technique Makes Middle-Aged Skin Look Thirty Years Younger about false

Natural Health

New Technique Makes Middle-Aged Skin Look Thirty Years Younger

In a process that could revolutionize regenerative medicine, scientists have developed a way to rejuvenate human skin cells.The new technique winds the biological clock back ten times further than

Does Our DNA Hold the Key to Living Longer? about false

Natural Health

Does Our DNA Hold the Key to Living Longer?

In the search for the keys to living longer, researchers are beginning to make more detailed examinations of what happens in our DNA – our central genetic material – as we get older.The evidence

Tiny Berry Can Stop Vision Loss As You Age about false

Natural Health

Tiny Berry Can Stop Vision Loss As You Age

Losing your vision can send your quality of life into a tailspin. Things like driving to the store, taking your dog for a walk, or even recognizing a loved one’s face can become challenging… and

Want To Live Longer? Eat Breakfast At This Time… about false

Natural Health

Want To Live Longer? Eat Breakfast At This Time…

A new field is emerging that looks at meal timing and its influence on health. It’s called chrono-nutrition. The latest study in the field examined whether the timing of breakfast has an impact on

Do Long-Lived Dogs Hold the Secret to Our Longevity? about false

Natural Health

Do Long-Lived Dogs Hold the Secret to Our Longevity?

Longevity scientist Dr. Daniel Promislow had a eureka moment in 2007 while looking at the cover of a magazine. It pictured a Great Dane next to a chihuahua and discussed how a single gene accounts

Herbal Extract Might Help You Live 40 Percent Longer about false

Natural Health

Herbal Extract Might Help You Live 40 Percent Longer

Researchers at Louisiana State University (LSU) say they've uncovered evidence that an herbal extract could potentially help us live much, much longer lives if we started taking it while we were

How Laughter Can Lengthen Your Life about false

Natural Health

How Laughter Can Lengthen Your Life

In the Bible, Proverbs 17:22 says, “A merry heart is good medicine.” And there’s plenty of anecdotal evidence and scientific research to support this Biblical view.Until recently, researchers hadn’t

What’s The Best Exercise for a Longer Life? about false

Natural Health

What’s The Best Exercise for a Longer Life?

As most people seem to know, just about any type of exercise can improve your life expectancy and overall health.But now, researchers in Kansas say they know exactly which exercises consistently

This Daily Grind Keeps Your Heart Healthy and Lengthens Your Life about false

Natural Health

This Daily Grind Keeps Your Heart Healthy and Lengthens Your Life

Stress abounds in today’s world. Some people liken our busy modern lifestyle to a rat race or a daily grind. But instead of burdening you with stress, partaking in one daily grind can relieve it. I’m

Wave Goodbye to Steaks and Sausages and Add Ten Years to Your Life about false

Natural Health

Wave Goodbye to Steaks and Sausages and Add Ten Years to Your Life

Replacing a "typical Western diet" with a healthy "optimized diet" can add years to your life at any age, even in your sunset years, a major new study reveals.This will be challenging for many,

Can Living Near a Fracking Site Destroy Your Health and Longevity? about false

Natural Health

Can Living Near a Fracking Site Destroy Your Health and Longevity?

Unconventional oil and gas development (UOGD), better known as hydraulic fracturing or fracking, has expanded dramatically around the world over the last 20 years.In parallel, so have concerns over

Gain More “Healthy Fat” if You Want to Age Better about false

Natural Health

Gain More “Healthy Fat” if You Want to Age Better

Usually, when we think about using exercise to fight aging, we focus on how exercise strengthens our muscle tissue and helps reduce body fat.But, along with helping to trim your waistline,

How Much Exercise Does Your Heart Need as You Age? about false

Natural Health

How Much Exercise Does Your Heart Need as You Age?

Exercise is the secret for avoiding heart disease as you age. But how much exercise do you need in your later years? In a first-of-its-kind study, researchers in Italy claim to have found the

Does Semen Hold the Key to Slow Aging? about false

Natural Health

Does Semen Hold the Key to Slow Aging?

An organic compound found in semen is being praised as an amazing age-fighter that provides the benefits of calorie restriction without going hungry. In fact, an acclaimed Harvard geneticist and

Billionaires Set Out to Find the Fountain of Youth about false

Natural Health

Billionaires Set Out to Find the Fountain of Youth

Some of the world’s richest people have commandeered space travel by building and launching private rocket ships. Now, they’re setting their sights on anti-aging medicine.Is it a billionaire vanity

An Extract from Plants Could Offer Seven More Years of Life about false

Natural Health

An Extract from Plants Could Offer Seven More Years of Life

One of the most exciting strategies to delay age-related disease and lengthen healthy lifespan is to target a fundamental process of aging called cellular senescence.Several plant compounds are being

Astronauts Sent on a Mission to Combat Aging about false

Natural Health

Astronauts Sent on a Mission to Combat Aging

A gravity free environment weakens muscles just as aging does, except the process is rapidly accelerated.This understanding led to MicroAge, a scientific space mission to explore processes that will

New Test Tells You How Well You're Going to Age about false

Natural Health

New Test Tells You How Well You're Going to Age

Chronological age is an unreliable guide to our future health prospects. Some people are robust in their nineties; others are chronically sick decades earlier.So, top scientists have come up with a

Does Stress Age You Faster? about false

Natural Health

Does Stress Age You Faster?

During stressful times it’s not uncommon to hear someone say, “I feel like I’ve aged ten years.”Well, it turns out there’s something to that statement. Scientists have now proven that it’s not all in

Does Surviving Cancer Impact the Way You Age? about false

Natural Health

Does Surviving Cancer Impact the Way You Age?

A cancer patient’s ordeal doesn't end with an all-clear from the oncologist. In fact, even if they’re sent home with the wonderful news that they're cancer free, cancer survivors are likely to face

Fountain of Youth Protein Reverses Aging about false

Natural Health

Fountain of Youth Protein Reverses Aging

A protein has shown so much potential to reverse aging that it's been named NANOG, a name derived from Tír na nÓg, a place in Irish folklore renowned for everlasting youth, beauty, health, abundance,

Want to Live a Longer and Healthier Life? Ask a Calculator about false

Natural Health

Want to Live a Longer and Healthier Life? Ask a Calculator

In 1965, four percent of the U.S. population was diagnosed with a chronic disease. Today, the figure is a staggering sixty percent.While doctors can debate the reasons behind this increase until

Shrinking With Age Can Double Your Risk of Premature Death about false

Natural Health

Shrinking With Age Can Double Your Risk of Premature Death

Height loss is considered a normal part of aging; nothing to be concerned about. But a rapid decline in stature is certainly not normal. In fact, it’s been shown to increase your risk of death.Even

New Anti-Aging Research on “Play” Surprises Researchers about false

Natural Health

New Anti-Aging Research on “Play” Surprises Researchers

All work and no play doesn’t just make you dull. The latest research reveals it could also shorten your life.Scientists have found that constantly keeping your nose to the grindstone, and hardly ever

Scientists Identify New Fountain of Youth Organ? about false

Natural Health

Scientists Identify New Fountain of Youth Organ?

With the passage of time, changes to organs and tissues can lead to age-related diseases such as heart disease, cancer and Alzheimer's. Dozens of medical teams around the world are investigating how

World Record for Longevity Smashed - How Much Further Can We Go? about false

Natural Health

World Record for Longevity Smashed - How Much Further Can We Go?

In September, a man who lived in a remote African village passed away at the ripe old age of 127. If validated and officially recognized, that would make him the oldest person to have ever lived

Do Bookworms Live Longer? about false

Natural Health

Do Bookworms Live Longer?

Whether you're enjoying a thriller by Stephen King, a bittersweet romance from Danielle Steele, or an Inspector Gamache murder mystery, you're in for some good news.Reading these, or indeed any

Not Getting Enough Sleep? One Easy Exercise Can Save Your Health about false

Natural Health

Not Getting Enough Sleep? One Easy Exercise Can Save Your Health

It’s a medical fact that poor quality sleep can shave years off your life, so getting on top of this issue is really important.There are numerous strategies available to improve sleep, from exercise

Do Power Naps Improve Memory? about false

Natural Health

Do Power Naps Improve Memory?

Do you sometimes sneak in a post-lunch nap, but feel guilty about it? Some recent research will relieve your guilt.A recent study suggests afternoon naps may be a good thing for older adults and can

An Early Alzheimer's or Parkinson's Diagnosis is Just a Sniff Away about false

Natural Health

An Early Alzheimer's or Parkinson's Diagnosis is Just a Sniff Away

If your sense of smell let you down any time over the last 18 months it was probably because you were a victim of the coronavirus.But COVID-19 isn't the only reason you can lose your ability to

Surprising “Longevity” Link Between Diabetes and Insomnia about false

Natural Health

Surprising “Longevity” Link Between Diabetes and Insomnia

Sleep is critical to good health, but for many of us it’s hard to come by. In the modern world there are so many challenges to a healthy sleep—everything from stress to diabetes—that can cause

How to Grow Three Years Younger in a Matter of Weeks about false

Natural Health

How to Grow Three Years Younger in a Matter of Weeks

A groundbreaking new clinical trial shows how you can lower your biological age by more than three years in a mere eight weeks.But this breakthrough didn't come about through some new pharmaceutical

Anti-Aging Treatments Just Got a Little Sweeter about false

Natural Health

Anti-Aging Treatments Just Got a Little Sweeter

The weekend is almost here and in kitchens across the country families will be serving up pancakes and maple syrup. While maple syrup usually is put in the category of natural sugars we should

Can You Really Be Fat But Fit? about false

Natural Health

Can You Really Be Fat But Fit?

Obese people often have unhealthy blood fats, high blood pressure, diabetes, and other health problems, yet a certain percentage of them don't.This group is categorized by doctors as “metabolically

The New “Bad Cholesterol” Shortens Your Life about false

Natural Health

The New “Bad Cholesterol” Shortens Your Life

At one time the only measure of blood fats a doctor would look at was total cholesterol. This expanded to include different forms of cholesterol including another type of fat called

Surprise: Playing These Sports Will Lengthen Your Life about false

Natural Health

Surprise: Playing These Sports Will Lengthen Your Life

We know exercise, which includes taking part in sporting activities, is important for health. But existing research focuses on the current health of active participants, not on how long they live, a

Why Your Level of Resilience Determines How Long You'll Live about false

Natural Health

Why Your Level of Resilience Determines How Long You'll Live

Researchers are on constant search for therapies that can extend human life and help us remain healthy, active and indepedent as we age.One important new study reveals that an extra 70 years of

The Right “Steps” to Use Exercise For a Longer Life about false

Natural Health

The Right “Steps” to Use Exercise For a Longer Life

[fusion_builder_container hundred_percent="no" equal_height_columns="no" hide_on_mobile="small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility" background_position="center center"

Revolutionary New Home Test Reveals Your Biological Age about false

Natural Health

Revolutionary New Home Test Reveals Your Biological Age

Aging is not just about genes as so many people imagine. Lifestyle choices matter, too. In fact, for many people poor lifestyle choices such as smoking and remaining sedentary can be the tipping

How Child-Like Curiosity Can Lengthen Your Life about false

Natural Health

How Child-Like Curiosity Can Lengthen Your Life

Ever spend time with an inquisitive child? The questions are non-stop, ranging from "why is the sky blue?" to "how does a car move?" In fact, one study estimated that curious children ask a

The Answer to Alzheimer's Could Lie in SuperAgers about false

Natural Health

The Answer to Alzheimer's Could Lie in SuperAgers

When searching for a cure for Alzheimer’s, most scientists look at existing brain degeneration and try to figure out how to fix it. What might we find out if we looked instead at the brains of people

Why Do Some People Age Faster Than Others? about false

Natural Health

Why Do Some People Age Faster Than Others?

Everyone knows a sprightly 80-something who can dance the night away and remember the punch line of every joke. But sadly, there are also plenty of 50-somethings who move and act considerably older

Disrupted Sleep Leads to an Early Grave about false

Natural Health

Disrupted Sleep Leads to an Early Grave

While research has long suggested a link between interrupted sleep and an increased risk of death, the latest research confirms, without a doubt, that it’s true.Perhaps most surprising is the

Scientific Surprise Reverses Aging by Rejuvenating the Immune System about false

Natural Health

Scientific Surprise Reverses Aging by Rejuvenating the Immune System

Scientists at Stanford were focused on regenerating the thymus gland—the gland that’s critical to immune health.They succeeded in their efforts, but the best was yet to come.Their remarkable

Want to Reverse Aging? Look to a Tiny Jellyfish… about false

Natural Health

Want to Reverse Aging? Look to a Tiny Jellyfish…

It's been starved, stabbed, and cut into pieces. Yet this tiny sea creature refuses to die.It responds to these assaults by rewinding its life cycle, growing younger and younger until it reaches the

Chinese Natural Remedy Proven to Relieve Insomnia about false

Natural Health

Chinese Natural Remedy Proven to Relieve Insomnia

Insomnia and aging often go hand and hand. Many people over the age of 60 experience sleep problems because of natural changes to their circadian rhythm and sleep-wake cycle, in addition to lifestyle

This Amazing Protein Can Keep Your Body Healthy and Lengthen Your Life about false

Natural Health

This Amazing Protein Can Keep Your Body Healthy and Lengthen Your Life

Have you made plans for your 150th birthday yet? Molecular biologist Marco Ruggiero has.One year after taking the nutritional supplement he created, the 63-year-old scientist said his "bald patch has

The Japanese Secret of “Kansha” Helps Health & Longevity about false

Natural Health

The Japanese Secret of “Kansha” Helps Health & Longevity

You know the importance of eating a sound diet and exercising regularly to remain strong, healthy and independent as you age. But there’s another ingredient to healthy aging that’s commonplace in

Can You Think Your Way to a Younger Brain and Body? about false

Natural Health

Can You Think Your Way to a Younger Brain and Body?

Recently, Harvard researchers examined a Tibetan monk named Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche who teaches meditation at a monastery. When researchers scanned his brain, they discovered a wonderful

Are “Zombie Cells” Making You Old Before Your Time? about false

Natural Health

Are “Zombie Cells” Making You Old Before Your Time?

Some anti-aging scientists consider the slowing down and eventual death of cells to be an unavoidable consequence of the aging process.But other anti-aging scientists believe they’re on track to

The Anti-Aging Potential of Parasitic Worms about false

Natural Health

The Anti-Aging Potential of Parasitic Worms

When it comes to finding the secret of eternal youth, scientists are willing to go the extra mile.Recently they experimented with poop, transplanting fecal matter into mice — which they found

Surprise: Overweight Folks Live the Longest! about false

Natural Health

Surprise: Overweight Folks Live the Longest!

If you’ve gained a little bit of weight during the coronavirus pandemic then you might be fed up with the constant nagging from medical authorities—or your spouse— to lose the pounds.You’ll want to

Want More Muscle Strength? Improve Gut Health about false

Natural Health

Want More Muscle Strength? Improve Gut Health

It’s normal to lose some muscle mass as we age. It’s called sarcopenia, and this condition can start as early as your 30s.If you’re physically inactive you can lose as much as three to five percent

Avoid the Pitfalls of Lung Damage
 – And Live Longer about false

Natural Health

Avoid the Pitfalls of Lung Damage
 – And Live Longer

When medical folks offer advice about healthy aging, they often focus on ways to keep your heart and brain healthier.Of course, those are crucial for a longer, more enjoyable life. But there’s

Medieval Village Points the Way to Reaching 100 in Good Health about false

Natural Health

Medieval Village Points the Way to Reaching 100 in Good Health

Whether it's a 79-year-old zipping along on his scooter, an 83-year-old chasing her hens up a hill, or a 100-year-old doing yard work, the people of a small village in Italy know how to live a long

Take This Test - Your Life May Depend on it about false

Natural Health

Take This Test - Your Life May Depend on it

Astronauts and U.S. presidents share something in common. Both are required to have a scan taken of their coronary arteries to see how much calcium is deposited. That’s because the scan is considered

Popular Joint Supplement Can Help 
You Live Longer about false

Natural Health

Popular Joint Supplement Can Help 
You Live Longer

As you get older, an array of health problems lie in wait ready to do you in. Many of them are linked to inflammation – destructive misbehavior of your immune system. And you may have heard the term

Oxygen Therapy Turns Back
 the Clock on Aging about false

Natural Health

Oxygen Therapy Turns Back
 the Clock on Aging

As we get older, things change in the body – most often, not for the better.For instance: The genetic material in every cell of the body can shift its activity in ways that are harmful and make you

“Reprogramming” Restores Lost Vision about false

Natural Health

“Reprogramming” Restores Lost Vision

Research described as "a major landmark" and "a milestone in the field" restored lost vision in old mice by restoring damaged cells in the eye to a youthful state.This is the first time any treatment

Is Diet Soda Really Safe to Drink? about false

Natural Health

Is Diet Soda Really Safe to Drink?

Diet soda first made an appearance in the 1970s, and ever since there has been much debate about its benefits (if any) and safety.Some say it’s better to slurp down a diet soda than to drink one

Top-Rated Anti-aging Fruit about false

Natural Health

Top-Rated Anti-aging Fruit

For anyone seeking the best foods for fighting the aging process, there’s one fruit that stands out above other fruits and vegetables.It’s overflowing with antioxidants and other natural chemicals

"The Mother of All Antioxidants" Reverses Premature Aging about false

Natural Health

"The Mother of All Antioxidants" Reverses Premature Aging

There are hundreds, if not thousands, of compounds in plants that have antioxidant activity. Some are familiar, like vitamins C and E. Others, like coenzyme Q10 and lipoic acid, are less well known,

Anti-Aging Protein Offers Benefits of a Low Calorie Diet While Eating Normally about false

Natural Health

Anti-Aging Protein Offers Benefits of a Low Calorie Diet While Eating Normally

From fruit flies to mice to monkeys, scientific research shows calorie restriction consistently lengthens life.Studies suggest calorie restriction can also lengthen the lives of humans, too, but the

Discover the Natural, Relaxing Way to Boost Your Fountain-of-Youth Hormone by 142 Percent about false

Natural Health

Discover the Natural, Relaxing Way to Boost Your Fountain-of-Youth Hormone by 142 Percent

[Editor’s Note: Part one of this article covered how infrared saunas have been clinically shown to cut the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and even burn 600 calories. To review part one, please click

Bodybuilding Supplement Extends Healthy Aging & Lifespan about false

Natural Health

Bodybuilding Supplement Extends Healthy Aging & Lifespan

Who would have thought that bodybuilders might have a secret anti-aging weapon tucked away in their gym bags?Researchers have discovered that a favorite supplement of the muscle-bound also promotes

To Measure Your Life Expectancy, Measure this Part of Your Body about false

Natural Health

To Measure Your Life Expectancy, Measure this Part of Your Body

In measuring your health and longevity, many healthcare practitioners take into consideration your BMI – Body Mass Index – a measurement that reflects the ratio of your weight compared to your

Avoid These Foods if You Want to Live Longer about false

Natural Health

Avoid These Foods if You Want to Live Longer

If you’re eating the standard American diet, I’ve got important news. Instead of nutrient-dense whole foods, most of the calories you’re consuming are in the form of “ultra-processed”

Master Circuit Discovered that Controls Aging - Tweaking it Doubled Lifespan about false

Natural Health

Master Circuit Discovered that Controls Aging - Tweaking it Doubled Lifespan

Scientists have published a groundbreaking study which could unlock the secret to living for a century and beyond — all while avoiding illness and remaining healthy the entire time.If you’re doubting

The Effortless and Enjoyable Way to Slash Your Alzheimer’s Risk by 65 Percent, Cut Fatal Heart Attack Risk by 63 Percent, and Burn 600 Calories – Just by Sitting Still! about false

Natural Health

The Effortless and Enjoyable Way to Slash Your Alzheimer’s Risk by 65 Percent, Cut Fatal Heart Attack Risk by 63 Percent, and Burn 600 Calories – Just by Sitting Still!

Imagine if you could rejuvenate your body and live longer, just by sitting still.Simply relax, take a nap, listen to music, meditate, or watch a DVD. While you take it easy your body is revitalized

Laugh a Lot, Live Longer about false

Natural Health

Laugh a Lot, Live Longer

Legendary comedian Bob Hope lived until 100, while comedienne Phyllis Diller enjoyed life until the ripe old age of 95.Sitcom favorite Dick Van Dyke is still active at 94, as is movie comedy-maker

Too Much Iron Could Shorten Your Life about false

Natural Health

Too Much Iron Could Shorten Your Life

Iron is a mineral vitally important to your health, but this mighty mineral is a double-edged sword.Too little iron and you can suffer from fatigue, weakness and impaired immunity, but too much can

Seeing the Same Doctor Will Help You Live Longer about false

Natural Health

Seeing the Same Doctor Will Help You Live Longer

With the coronavirus pandemic, visits to the doctor's office have slumped, often replaced with phone and video appointments.Consulting with doctors remotely and using telemedicine or virtual health

Rejuvenating “Old” Blood Reverses Aging about false

Natural Health

Rejuvenating “Old” Blood Reverses Aging

Over a century ago, early doctors performed experiments joining two living organisms together surgically so they share the same blood supply. Yes, it sounds Frankenstein-esque, and these experiments

Your Tongue Holds the Secret to a Longer Life about false

Natural Health

Your Tongue Holds the Secret to a Longer Life

Some people spend a small fortune in an attempt to look younger and live longer. They rub on expensive anti-aging creams, undergo painful Botox injections, or seek out cutting-edge stem cell

Shocking News: Lower BMI Can Signal Higher Risk of Death about false

Natural Health

Shocking News: Lower BMI Can Signal Higher Risk of Death

Body mass index (BMI) is praised by clinicians as the standard way to diagnose patients who are overweight or obese.If your BMI drifts into the “overweight” zone, your doctor is quick to give advice

A Dose of Culture Helps You Live Longer about false

Natural Health

A Dose of Culture Helps You Live Longer

There's increasing interest in the health benefits of the arts, particularly in the United Kingdom where a doctor may hand you a prescription for a visit to a museum or art gallery instead of a

Epigenetic Fountain of Youth Set to Extend Life Span by up to 50 Years about false

Natural Health

Epigenetic Fountain of Youth Set to Extend Life Span by up to 50 Years

The lab mouse's organs are failing. It lies hunched and motionless, just days from death. It has progeria, a disease of accelerated aging.But the rodent is in for a surprise. Researchers give it an

What Your “Aging Pace” Says About Your Overall Health and Longevity about false

Natural Health

What Your “Aging Pace” Says About Your Overall Health and Longevity

A friend tells me that every few years she meets up with 50 or so of her school friends and swaps stories. Sadly, she notes, there are fewer folks to talk with at each reunion, but there’s something

Is Your Life Expectancy Down to Your DNA? about false

Natural Health

Is Your Life Expectancy Down to Your DNA?

I have quite a few relatives who made it into their late eighties or even their nineties. My brother and sister and I often say we hope we have their genes.But recent research suggests genes may not

How Much You Eat Determines How Long You'll Live about false

Natural Health

How Much You Eat Determines How Long You'll Live

In all species, from fruit flies to mice to monkeys, a single strategy reduces the risk of cancer, heart disease and diabetes. It staves off age-related neurodegeneration. It consistently prolongs

Beware this Hidden Condition that Shortens Life Expectancy for Millions about false

Natural Health

Beware this Hidden Condition that Shortens Life Expectancy for Millions

You may be one of an estimated three million Americans who suffer from a hidden health condition that can cause digestive problems, allergies and a host of autoimmune issues.The latest research shows

New Study Finds Women’s Blood Vessels Age More Quickly about false

Natural Health

New Study Finds Women’s Blood Vessels Age More Quickly

For many women approaching middle age, their biggest health concern is wrinkles and weight gain. But according to the latest research, what they really should worry about is their heart

What Your Age Says About the Medical Treatment You’ll Receive about false

Natural Health

What Your Age Says About the Medical Treatment You’ll Receive

Your doctor can start this medical approach early, even by the time you’ve turned 40. No, it's not a medical treatment -- it's an attitude. An attitude among physicians that pigeonholes patients

New Breakthrough Could Help You Stay Strong in Later Life about false

Natural Health

New Breakthrough Could Help You Stay Strong in Later Life

As early as your thirties, you start to lose muscle mass. This condition, called sarcopenia, causes the loss of up to five percent of muscle mass every decade thereafter.Exactly why muscle loss

Can Eating Too Much Sugar Shorten Your Life? about false

Natural Health

Can Eating Too Much Sugar Shorten Your Life?

By now most people know that a diet high in sugar doesn’t do your health any good.But the so-called “empty” calories of sugar aren’t really empty. They’re like little missiles that take aim at your

How One Tiny Fish Can Help You Defy Aging about false

Natural Health

How One Tiny Fish Can Help You Defy Aging

In the 1968 sci-fi movie, 2001: A Space Odyssey, the crew members are put in a state of suspended animation, lying inside a pod to preserve oxygen and life support supplies.But using suspended

Is the “King of Carotenoids” the Secret to Youthful Skin? about false

Natural Health

Is the “King of Carotenoids” the Secret to Youthful Skin?

You are religious about sunscreen application. You slather on night cream. And you eat all the right foods. But did you know that the secret to youthful skin might actually be a tough-to-pronounce

Golf? How One of America’s Favorite Hobbies Can Add Years to Your Life about false

Natural Health

Golf? How One of America’s Favorite Hobbies Can Add Years to Your Life

Mark Twain is said to have described golf as "a good walk spoiled." I don't expect the 25 million Americans who play the game would agree with him.The enjoyment that comes from teeing off with the

Staying in Rhythm Can Mean Longer Life about false

Natural Health

Staying in Rhythm Can Mean Longer Life

Every cell in your body maintains a daily rhythm, called a “circadian” rhythm. You’ve probably heard the phrase.As you age, these rhythms can slowly slip out of sync, leading to a wide range of

Restoring the "Third Eye" May Hold the Secret to the Fountain of Youth about false

Natural Health

Restoring the "Third Eye" May Hold the Secret to the Fountain of Youth

Imagine an anti-aging treatment with the ability to dramatically improve physical performance, boost bone density by 80 percent and lower overall mortality rate by 28 percent in people aged 70 to

The Power to Slow Aging is Mainly Under Your Control about false

Natural Health

The Power to Slow Aging is Mainly Under Your Control

Some people age so badly their bodies are decades older than the number of candles on their birthday cake.In one example, researchers discovered the biological age of a 66-year-old was an astounding

The Gut May Hold the Key to an Extended Lifespan about false

Natural Health

The Gut May Hold the Key to an Extended Lifespan

For hundreds of years Western medicine has separated treatment of health problems in the brain from health problems in the rest of the body, as if there’s no connection. Recently, scientists began

Why Do Some People Age Better Than Others? (And how you can be one of them) about false

Natural Health

Why Do Some People Age Better Than Others? (And how you can be one of them)

Do you follow childhood friends on social media? Or have you attended a high school reunion recently? If so, chances are you’ve come to this basic conclusion: everyone ages differently.Some of your

Grueling Exercise Not Required to Lengthen Life about false

Natural Health

Grueling Exercise Not Required to Lengthen Life

In 2006, 38 million people took part in one simple athletic pursuit. In 2017 the numbers grew to 60 million, an increase of 44 percent in just eleven years.The reported increase is so huge I almost

Aging Reversed for the First Time in Critical Type of Brain Cell about false

Natural Health

Aging Reversed for the First Time in Critical Type of Brain Cell

As muscles, joints, and connective tissues stiffen with age, moving our bodies becomes more of an effort than it was in our youth. But there’s another part of the body that’s affected by stiffness we

Supplement to Look Younger Backed by Science about false

Natural Health

Supplement to Look Younger Backed by Science

Wrinkles. Sagging. Dryness. Our skin certainly suffers from old father time.Not to mention the added toll from environmental pollution, stress, too much sugar, and excessive sunlight

Protect Your Prostate Naturally about false

Natural Health

Protect Your Prostate Naturally

Most men don’t give their prostate a second thought-- that is, until there’s a problem. If you or someone you love suffers from an enlarged prostate, you’re not alone. More than 14 million men in the

The Less Active Your Brain, the Longer You'll Live about false

Natural Health

The Less Active Your Brain, the Longer You'll Live

Keeping your brain active through brain games can stave off age-related memory loss, it’s true. But there’s a different kind of “brain activity” you’ll want to avoid for better longevity.I’m talking

A Simple Health Message Adds Years to Life about false

Natural Health

A Simple Health Message Adds Years to Life

Cooking a meal is not only time consuming, but there are all those pots and pans waiting to be cleaned - one of my least favorite chores.So much easier to buy ready-made meals and place the dishes

A Drug-Free Way to Zap Zombie Cells and Extend Lifespan about false

Natural Health

A Drug-Free Way to Zap Zombie Cells and Extend Lifespan

One exciting area of aging research has focused on sweeping out senescent (zombie) cells from the body. These are considered to be key drivers of the aging process.A new class of drugs targeted at

The Live-Longer Health Tool that Wags Its Tail about false

Natural Health

The Live-Longer Health Tool that Wags Its Tail

If you’re a dog lover, here’s some health news that you can rejoice over. While research finds that owning a pet of any kind contributes to better health, it’s owning a dog that will help you live a

To Get More Out of Your Daily Walk, Step Up the Pace about false

Natural Health

To Get More Out of Your Daily Walk, Step Up the Pace

Readers of this website know that I’m a huge advocate of a daily walk for both mental and physical health. While slower walking is fine – it’s much better to do something than nothing - there’s some

Do Tall People Live Longer? about false

Natural Health

Do Tall People Live Longer?

In the never-ending pursuit for the key to longevity, some scientists in the Netherlands turned their inquiring gaze to body size, height and weight. Can these metrics help predict how long we’ll

If You Want to Live a Long Time, Shake It Up, Baby! about false

Natural Health

If You Want to Live a Long Time, Shake It Up, Baby!

If you want to fight aging and stay younger longer, it helps to shake all over from head to toe.I’m actually being serious here. Research now shows that standing on a vibrating platform, giving you

Blood Test Can Predict How Long You’ll Live about false

Natural Health

Blood Test Can Predict How Long You’ll Live

Do you want to know whether you'll kick the bucket in the next five to ten years?You might prefer not to know. But on the other hand, “forewarned is forearmed.” You might be able to do something

Could a Virtual Reality Device Help You Cope with Pain? about false

Natural Health

Could a Virtual Reality Device Help You Cope with Pain?

It seems that virtual reality devices are finding their way into all kinds of scenarios these days. Maybe you’ve seen someone using one for gaming. Or, perhaps, you’ve tried one yourself on an indoor

This Vital Cell Regulator Could Give You a Longer Life about false

Natural Health

This Vital Cell Regulator Could Give You a Longer Life

In his books and TV appearances in the 1970s, Dr. Benjamin Frank extolled the virtues of dietary supplements and the role of nutrition in disease prevention.He also put forward a theory, since

Proven: “Emotional Intelligence” is Key to a Longer Life about false

Natural Health

Proven: “Emotional Intelligence” is Key to a Longer Life

When we think about what we need to do to live a long, healthy life, many of us probably think about the foods we’re eating, the supplements we’re taking and how much we exercise.Sure, all of those

Cosmetic Acupuncture: Has Botox Met Its Match? about false

Natural Health

Cosmetic Acupuncture: Has Botox Met Its Match?

From chronic pain to allergies, acupuncture has become a go-to alternative treatment for millions these days. But I bet you’d never imagine it can also help with aging skin, smoothing out wrinkles

How to Get Your Longevity Gene Turned On about false

Natural Health

How to Get Your Longevity Gene Turned On

It seems like some folks have just plain won the longevity gene lottery. They get to live to be a hundred because they inherited DNA from their parents that keeps them spry, alert and mentally sound

Tweak Just One Gene to Double Lifespan? about false

Natural Health

Tweak Just One Gene to Double Lifespan?

1993 was the year Cynthia Kenyon's lab made an historic breakthrough.By partially disabling a gene called daf-2, her team able to double the lifespan of worms, the largest extension of life in any

These Foods Contribute to Wrinkles about false

Natural Health

These Foods Contribute to Wrinkles

Here’s the hard truth: all the fancy serums, lotions and supplements in the world can’t stop skin aging. But the good news is that wise lifestyle tweaks can slow it down. And fortunately, they don’t

Can “Tickle” Therapy Slow Down the Aging Process? about false

Natural Health

Can “Tickle” Therapy Slow Down the Aging Process?

It sounds like a far-fetched idea.The idea that you can reverse or slow down your aging by applying a tiny amount of electric current to your ear – just about enough to cause a slight tickling

Buckyballs Could Add Years to Your Life about false

Natural Health

Buckyballs Could Add Years to Your Life

Since the late 1990s fullerenes have been shown to extend the lifespan of mice by anywhere from 5 to 14% even when the treatment was started halfway through their lives.But it wasn't until 2012 that

Red Meat May Make You 10% More Likely to Die about false

Natural Health

Red Meat May Make You 10% More Likely to Die

Poor red meat – it just can’t get a break. Vegetarians, of course, blame it for every ill under the sun, not even counting cruelty to animals.The actual scientific evidence goes back and forth: It

Why Women Live Longer Than Men about false

Natural Health

Why Women Live Longer Than Men

It’s not exactly breaking news that women live longer than men. According to the Centers for Disease Control,1 the average life expectancy for men in the United States is 76.4, compared to 81.2 for

Zapping Zombie Cells Marks a Breakthrough in Treating Age-Related Diseases about false

Natural Health

Zapping Zombie Cells Marks a Breakthrough in Treating Age-Related Diseases

Stiff, aching joints, osteoporotic bones, Alzheimer's disease, lesions that cause heart attacks and strokes: all these nasty “diseases of aging” have one thing in common -- senescent cells.Also

Revive a Flagging Thymus Gland and Extend Your Life as Much as 30 Years about false

Natural Health

Revive a Flagging Thymus Gland and Extend Your Life as Much as 30 Years

In a just-published paper, biochemists at Oxford University, England, state that "immune activity and life expectancy seem to be intricately linked."But as we age, the immune system becomes less

To Know How Long You'll Live, See if You Can Do This Simple Task about false

Natural Health

To Know How Long You'll Live, See if You Can Do This Simple Task

We’re all aware -- or should be -- that aerobic fitness lowers the risk of developing heart disease, cancer and Alzheimer's. It also decreases the risk of death and can potentially prolong life.But

Your Lifespan is Foretold Not in Your Palm but on Your Wrist about false

Natural Health

Your Lifespan is Foretold Not in Your Palm but on Your Wrist

Blood pressure is a well-known indicator of cardiovascular health.But there's another test that requires no trip to the doctor's office, needs no other person or equipment, is easy and quick to carry

DNA Cut-Revise-Paste Holds Back Aging about false

Natural Health

DNA Cut-Revise-Paste Holds Back Aging

A revolutionary gene editing tool called CRISPR-Cas9 allows scientists to make precise changes to the DNA in any cell or organism.You’ve probably heard of CRISPR if you follow technology news at all.

Boost Your Collagen Levels and Start to Glow from the Inside Out about false

Natural Health

Boost Your Collagen Levels and Start to Glow from the Inside Out

Chances are you’ve seen collagen listed in your favorite face or body lotion or even as a supplement in the vitamin aisle. The ingredient gets a lot of buzz, but with it comes a slew of questions.

New Discovery May Put an End to Wrinkles about false

Natural Health

New Discovery May Put an End to Wrinkles

Wrinkles really could be a thing of the past thanks to a discovery by Japanese scientists.They've been able to pinpoint a protein that's vital to keeping youthful-looking skin, but which diminishes

Guidelines on Cholesterol are Bunk about false

Natural Health

Guidelines on Cholesterol are Bunk

George Mann, an eminent 20th century American physician and scientist, called it "the greatest scientific deception of this century, perhaps of any century."He was referring to the idea that heart

4 Myths about Aging about false

Natural Health

4 Myths about Aging

Not long ago, most folks – including scientists – believed that our bodies simply wear out as we age. And that does seem to be sort of a common sense way of looking at it. So most of us resigned

Beyond Stem Cells: Is There an Anti-Aging Serum in the Works? about false

Natural Health

Beyond Stem Cells: Is There an Anti-Aging Serum in the Works?

I was sitting in the audience as Sheldon Jordan, MD, told of his amazing recovery from a terrible accident, all thanks to a revolutionary new treatment that may be the most exciting breakthrough I’ve

This Leaf Could Hold the Key to Slowing the Aging Process about false

Natural Health

This Leaf Could Hold the Key to Slowing the Aging Process

In many of the programs or protocols for adding years to your life, a certain biological activity must occur if the plan is actually going to work.This applies whether it's a life-extending nutrient,

How Aging and Testosterone Loss Go Hand in Hand – Or Don’t about false

Natural Health

How Aging and Testosterone Loss Go Hand in Hand – Or Don’t

Healthy testosterone levels are critical for men’s general health, disease risk, body composition, sexual function, and the list goes on. This important steroid hormone is produced in men’s

Latest Stem Cell Findings are Mind-Blowing about false

Natural Health

Latest Stem Cell Findings are Mind-Blowing

The potential for using stem cells to repair every organ in your body is truly mind-blowing. These microscopic wonder-cells hold the key to rejuvenating the body. Within our lifetimes – in fact,

Restore Youthfulness by Blitzing Zombie Cells about false

Natural Health

Restore Youthfulness by Blitzing Zombie Cells

The dream of a long, healthy and energetic lifespan has come one step closer thanks to breakthrough research.The promising anti-aging strategy is to clear old, damaged cells from the body. These are

Tonight You Can Drink from the Fountain of Youth about false

Natural Health

Tonight You Can Drink from the Fountain of Youth

Poor Ponce de Leon, the Spanish explorer, never found the fountain of youth, but his quest turned out to be a durable legend. Who wouldn't want an easy way to stay young?Well, researchers at the

This Part of Your Body May be the Very Heart of the Aging Process about false

Natural Health

This Part of Your Body May be the Very Heart of the Aging Process

Inside your brain, there’s a very small section of tissue that some researchers believe is the very heart of the aging process.They also think this tiny but crucially important area holds clues that

Can a Transfusion of “Young” Blood Keep You Young? about false

Natural Health

Can a Transfusion of “Young” Blood Keep You Young?

New York state lost more residents in 2018 than any other state in the US, so they are certainly in need of some fresh blood. And there's one man who intends to supply it - literally.34-year-old

The Special Health Benefits of Racket Sports about false

Natural Health

The Special Health Benefits of Racket Sports

Daily exercise is essential if you want to stay healthy and live a long life. You probably knew that. But you may not know that racket sports in particular can help you live longer.Keep reading for

How an Intestinal Problem Can Make You Age Faster about false

Natural Health

How an Intestinal Problem Can Make You Age Faster

When things get old they leak. That includes old pipes, dams, faucets and hoses.And it also includes the walls of your digestive tract. Those leaks – known as leaky gut syndrome – are more than a

Pack on This Type of Fat and Live Longer about false

Natural Health

Pack on This Type of Fat and Live Longer

Most of us want to live a long life, but only if our later years are spent in good health. The buzzword these days isn’t “lifespan,” it’s “healthspan” – how long can you enjoy life to the

Maple Leaf Extract: Has Botox Met Its Match? about false

Natural Health

Maple Leaf Extract: Has Botox Met Its Match?

From lovely fall foliage to delicious syrup, the mighty maple tree has much to offer, and now scientists have discovered it may also help keep skin youthful.University of Rhode Island researchers

Dynamic Duo Slows Down Aging and Tames Brain Inflammation about false

Natural Health

Dynamic Duo Slows Down Aging and Tames Brain Inflammation

With millions each year suffering traumatic brain injuries and chronic disorders like Alzheimer's, seeking new ways to protect the brain has become a top priority.Thankfully, renowned author,

Tai Chi’s Slow and Easy Motions Slow Down Aging about false

Natural Health

Tai Chi’s Slow and Easy Motions Slow Down Aging

Long ago, the series of movements called tai chi originated in China as a form of martial arts.Today, instead of being used to fight human enemies, tai chi’s easy-to-learn, graceful, steady motions

Air Pollution is Stealing as Much as 10 Years Off Your Life about false

Natural Health

Air Pollution is Stealing as Much as 10 Years Off Your Life

Nine million people each year die at an earlier age than they have to because of air pollution. It's the world's biggest environmental cause of disease and early death. But progress in tackling it

New Blood Test Reveals How Long You'll Live about false

Natural Health

New Blood Test Reveals How Long You'll Live

To calculate someone's life expectancy, scientists look for molecular changes that take place in cells. This approach determines mortality risk by focusing on a person's rate of aging (biological

New Breakthrough May Dramatically Slow Aging about false

Natural Health

New Breakthrough May Dramatically Slow Aging

"We believe we've found the holy grail."That's not the kind of statement you normally expect to hear from a well-respected scientist.His colleague didn't hold back either: "We may be able to take a

Previously Overlooked Part of the Cell May be Key to Aging about false

Natural Health

Previously Overlooked Part of the Cell May be Key to Aging

Researchers who examine the aging process believe they may have found the cellular structure that holds the key to agingAnd their investigations indicate that size matters.Because they’ve found

Fights Cavities, Fends Off Alzheimer’s, and More about false

Natural Health

Fights Cavities, Fends Off Alzheimer’s, and More

Imagine there was an amazing natural ingredient that could help with all kinds of health problems… insomnia, pain and cavities.Imagine this same ingredient could also help reduce anxiety and

People Who Engage in This Free Pastime Live Longer about false

Natural Health

People Who Engage in This Free Pastime Live Longer

Studies show that if you exercise by taking a walk most days of the week, you can expect to live longer than the kind of folks who inspired the phrase "couch potato."But to ensure your daily walks

Move Over Apples… Singing May Be A Better Way To Keep The Doctor Away about false

Natural Health

Move Over Apples… Singing May Be A Better Way To Keep The Doctor Away

I had the chance to catch up with my friend Nicole a couple of months ago. She had recently come back from a few days of downhill skiing in Vermont with her 14-year-old son and her 91-year-old

Happiness is Still the Best Drug about false

Natural Health

Happiness is Still the Best Drug

Health authorities are not exactly clear how to define it. But the essence is that people who feel good about life live longer.Whatever definition they eventually agree on, there's no doubt that

Remember That Bit About “Early to Bed and Early to Rise”? about false

Natural Health

Remember That Bit About “Early to Bed and Early to Rise”?

Being a night owl is known to raise the risk of a variety of diseases.People who prefer to be more active during the evening, and who go to bed later and get up later, have higher rates of metabolic

Forget Cholesterol: This Looks Like the Blood Test that Really Predicts How Long You’ll Live about false

Natural Health

Forget Cholesterol: This Looks Like the Blood Test that Really Predicts How Long You’ll Live

If you’ve had your blood cholesterol tested recently, you ought to know that many researchers now agree with what I’ve believed for years – it’s a dubious guide to your health status.But it’s a

This Live-Longer Mindset Gives You Greater Life Expectancy about false

Natural Health

This Live-Longer Mindset Gives You Greater Life Expectancy

A recent investigation into the ways in which exercise affects longevity shows that the amount of exercise you do and its intensity may not be the most important factor in helping you live

New, Fast, Non-Invasive Test May Reveal Your Biological Age about false

Natural Health

New, Fast, Non-Invasive Test May Reveal Your Biological Age

How can two people both born in the same year appear so different?One looks half their age while the other displays many of the signs of aging. Then again, outward appearances may suggest they’re the

An African Tea Slows the Aging Process about false

Natural Health

An African Tea Slows the Aging Process

A vast range of herbal teas offers all kinds of health benefits. Heaven knows, they get a lot of publicity, but I still bet you don’t know about a tea with strong anti-aging abilities that’s grown

4 Reasons People Live Past 90 (And One “Maybe”) about false

Natural Health

4 Reasons People Live Past 90 (And One “Maybe”)

Scientists have identified five lifestyle factors that will reduce your risk of dying prematurely.Each one will lower your chances by between 3% and 21%.The lead author of the new research stressed

Being Stubborn, Controlling & Domineering Will Help You Reach 100 about false

Natural Health

Being Stubborn, Controlling & Domineering Will Help You Reach 100

Scientists have conducted a great deal of research to learn how physical health, diet and genetics relate to longevity, but they’ve paid little attention to mental health or personality.To plug this

Muscle Mass Plunges in Older People about false

Natural Health

Muscle Mass Plunges in Older People

It gets harder to keep muscle strength as you age. We naturally lose muscle mass as we grow older. But how big is this problem, really?When you’re in your 40s, you lose about 1% of your muscle mass

These Women Looked Nearly Three Years Younger in 20 Weeks about false

Natural Health

These Women Looked Nearly Three Years Younger in 20 Weeks

If the idea of plastering your face with mud, smearing it with expensive creams, and signing up for Botox or a facelift doesn't appeal to you, there's a new way to turn back the clock on the way you

Toxin Exposure Linked to Shorter and Longer Telomeres about false

Natural Health

Toxin Exposure Linked to Shorter and Longer Telomeres

If your body generates excessive free radicals, it can overwhelm antioxidant defenses. When this takes place you enter a state called oxidative stress. It’s the cause of many chronic diseases.The

For a Longer Life, Live in a Good Community about false

Natural Health

For a Longer Life, Live in a Good Community

Ongoing stress is bad for your emotional and physical health. It can promote disease, reduce the length of telomeres -- a biomarker of biological aging -- and reduce the number of years you’ll live.

15 Simple Ways Preserve and Help Lengthen Telomeres about false

Natural Health

15 Simple Ways Preserve and Help Lengthen Telomeres

While scientists and therapeutic developers race to clinically prove that certain cellular therapies will in fact safely enhance human longevity, there are lifestyle changes and supplements that can

Skullcap For Younger Looking Skin about false

Natural Health

Skullcap For Younger Looking Skin

Have you ever heard of the term senescence? It’s a five-dollar word that simply means “the process of aging.”In this article, we’re talking about cellular aging.Senescence occurs when cells are no

Exercise Adds Nine Years to Your Life about false

Natural Health

Exercise Adds Nine Years to Your Life

Nobody likes being nagged constantly by medical authorities about the importance of exercise and how we really have to make ourselves do it.But if you want to live a healthier, longer life, there's

These Animals Don't Age - Thanks to Telomeres! about false

Natural Health

These Animals Don't Age - Thanks to Telomeres!

If you’d like to be Immortal, Study these Animals that already possess the ability to bypass Aging.Most animals age faster than we do. But there are a few exceptions that may tell us how to make

This Natural Molecule Ranks High Above All Others for Adding Years to Life about false

Natural Health

This Natural Molecule Ranks High Above All Others for Adding Years to Life

The close relationship between depressed levels of this natural peptide and the progression of aging could hardly be more convincing.As a potent antioxidant and detoxifier, with key roles in the

Whole Body Vibration Slows Down Aging about false

Natural Health

Whole Body Vibration Slows Down Aging

If you think that to slow down aging you have to engage in a complicated program of strenuous exercise custom-designed to fit your age and abilities, think again.Yes, some sort of physical activity

Cool Temperatures Reduce Blood Sugar about false

Natural Health

Cool Temperatures Reduce Blood Sugar

Shiver your way to lower blood sugar and better all-round health.If you fancy a rather unusual vacation, why not enroll in 58-year-old Wim Hof's training camp in the wintry wilderness of Poland.For

The Cheap Nutrient That Could Save a Million Brains about false

Natural Health

The Cheap Nutrient That Could Save a Million Brains

A safe, widely available antioxidant nutrient is now being recognized as a brain-protector that can both defend your brain against the damage of a concussion and help improve your brain if you get

Specific Area of the Brain Holds the Key to Aging about false

Natural Health

Specific Area of the Brain Holds the Key to Aging

A top anti-aging scientist at Harvard described the group's first study as "a major breakthrough in aging research." He called their follow-up work "a tour de force."The research team he was

Coffee Increases Longevity and Reduces Disease Risk about false

Natural Health

Coffee Increases Longevity and Reduces Disease Risk

Several decades ago medical research linked coffee to higher rates of heart disease and cancer.But these findings were later shown to be flawed.In 180-degree turnaround, the most recent research

Pomegranates Increase Life Expectancy about false

Natural Health

Pomegranates Increase Life Expectancy

I look through a lot of medical studies in my quest to tell you about ways to slow down aging and keep your body in peak condition. Most of these studies increase our knowledge about aging in small

Intelligence is Related to Longevity about false

Natural Health

Intelligence is Related to Longevity

The intricate wiring of 100 billion or so neurons in a human brain makes the connections in your computer look like a kid’s toy.Those neurons are interconnected in ways that are intensely complicated

Meditation Is Good For Telomeres about false

Natural Health

Meditation Is Good For Telomeres

The harm caused by being in a constant state of stress, for months or years on end, can hardly be exaggerated. There seems to be no part of the body that’s not damaged.Brain, bones, skin, digestion,

PRP For Hair and Skin about false

Natural Health

PRP For Hair and Skin

Rafael Nadal, Tiger Woods, Fred Couples and many other high profile athletes have benefited from an unusual therapy that reduces pain and speeds up healing.Whether it's a sprained knee, pulled

Animals Don't Age about false

Natural Health

Animals Don't Age

To learn how to make ourselves ageless and extend our lives, the key may be to study animals that already possess the key to immortality.After all, if we can understand how some animals manage to

Superstar Quarterback Tom Brady has Found the “Secret of Youth” about false

Natural Health

Superstar Quarterback Tom Brady has Found the “Secret of Youth”

In February, 39-year-old quarterback Tom Brady won his 5th Super Bowl in a breathtaking third quarter comeback. In the process, the New England Patriots superstar racked up a record fourth win as MVP

Simple Trick Makes Your Genes Ten Years Younger (Muscle Mass) about false

Natural Health

Simple Trick Makes Your Genes Ten Years Younger (Muscle Mass)

When it comes to aging, there’s a lot you can do to create healthy tissue systems that will add years to your life. Withering into old age is NOT inevitable.In fact, there’s one simple thing you can

Why Fasting May Be the Key to a Long, Healthy Life about false

Natural Health

Why Fasting May Be the Key to a Long, Healthy Life

It’s no secret that cutting back on calories is great for your waistline, but now anti-aging researchers are finding that consuming less food on a regular basis may be a highly effective strategy to

If You Want To Stay Young, Turn Off The News about false

Natural Health

If You Want To Stay Young, Turn Off The News

Have you ever wondered why some people remain active and healthy well into old age, while others look and feel old when they’re still young? Chances are good that if you’re feeling older than you

Add Years to Your Life Without Moving a Muscle about false

Natural Health

Add Years to Your Life Without Moving a Muscle

There’s an easy, often misunderstood, activity that may be able extend your life expectancy.All you have to do is get the right amount of sleep every night. Study after study, on subjects from cancer

Using This Could Triple Your Chance of Living to 100 about false

Natural Health

Using This Could Triple Your Chance of Living to 100

In Finland, almost every household has a sauna. Now sales are growing strongly in the US, where more than a million units have been sold to health-conscious Americans.And who can blame them? Not only

Reap Huge Health Benefits From Small Amounts of Exercise about false

Natural Health

Reap Huge Health Benefits From Small Amounts of Exercise

Next time you find yourself making excuses not to exercise. . .or tell yourself you’ll start exercising next week, or next month, or next summer. . .Consider this first: You can reap enormous gains