A Secret To Longevity Lies In Your Blood: How Lowering Uric Acid Levels Increases Lifespan about false

A Secret To Longevity Lies In Your Blood: How Lowering Uric Acid Levels Increases Lifespan

Discover the link between uric acid and longevity. Recent studies have found that lowering your uric acid levels can help you live longer.

Non-Invasive Vagus Nerve Stimulation Can Slow Your Biological Aging Clock about false


Non-Invasive Vagus Nerve Stimulation Can Slow Your Biological Aging Clock

New way to fight aging and sharpen your memory: How to stimulate your vagus nerve with a quick, easy treatment.

Harnessing Adult Repair Stem Cells: The Future of Regenerative Medicine about false


Harnessing Adult Repair Stem Cells: The Future of Regenerative Medicine

Adult repair stem cells reside in tissues throughout the body waiting to be called upon to fix any damage.

Eight Personality Traits That Will Propel You To The Century Mark about false


Eight Personality Traits That Will Propel You To The Century Mark

Much has been written about the influence of your diet and lifestyle on the way your body ages, but far less about your personality traits.

Four Science-Backed Ways To Reduce Stress And Anxiety To Help You Stay Young! about false

Four Science-Backed Ways To Reduce Stress And Anxiety To Help You Stay Young!

People suffering with long-term anxiety and/or depression have an increased risk of developing cancer

What’s The Best Exercise for a Longer Life? about false


What’s The Best Exercise for a Longer Life?

Raising your heart rate (with exercise) is important, but it looks like connecting with other people is, too.

Meeting Up With Friends Will Add Years To Your Life about false


Meeting Up With Friends Will Add Years To Your Life

Health benefits of having friends in your Golden Years.

Five-Second Stress Reliever Restores Your Whole Body about false


Five-Second Stress Reliever Restores Your Whole Body

All that’s required is to put your lips together and hum. New medical research reveals it’s a stress-busting technique we should all try.

Natural Health

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Honey Can Sweeten the Aging Process: Honey and Anti-Aging Benefits about false

Honey Can Sweeten the Aging Process: Honey and Anti-Aging Benefits

Find out how honey can sweeten the aging process from clearer, younger-looking skin to better heart health. But not just any honey will do...

The Mermaid Secret for Hair Growth about false

Natural Health

The Mermaid Secret for Hair Growth

Several deep-sea nutrients that can help just about anyone concerned with hair loss.

Can Water Save An Enlarged Prostate? about false

Natural Health

Can Water Save An Enlarged Prostate?

Older men are often plagued with an enlarged prostate, which increases their urge to urinate.

How To Use Forest Bathing To Fight Aging about false

Natural Health

How To Use Forest Bathing To Fight Aging

A growing body of research shows that forest bathing significantly boosts your health and mood.

Another Nail In The Low-Fat Diet Coffin about false

Another Nail In The Low-Fat Diet Coffin

As part of a balanced, healthy diet, these fatty foods will not increase your risk of heart disease. In fact, they’ll substantially lower your risk of heart disease and help you live longer.

Ancient Spice Helps Balance Blood Pressure about false


Ancient Spice Helps Balance Blood Pressure

Blood Pressure Article

Enjoy The “Blue Zone” Protein Of Long Life about false


Enjoy The “Blue Zone” Protein Of Long Life

A group of scientists who study what makes some people live longer than others are now saying that one unique protein could be an important key to increased life expectancy.They’ve made this

Can This Artificial Sweetener Give You A Heart Attack? about false


Can This Artificial Sweetener Give You A Heart Attack?

If you’ve got diabetes or want to lose weight, you’re probably avoiding sugar like the plague.And that means you may be looking for other ways to satisfy your sweet tooth.But if you’re using


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Surprising Life Extending-Benefits of Old Pharmaceuticals about false

Surprising Life Extending-Benefits of Old Pharmaceuticals

One well-known drug is a popular headache remedy, another is prescribed for diabetes, and a third is given to patients who've had a kidney transplant.These seem unlikely candidates for helping

Drugs of This Type are Known to Extend Lifespan about false


Drugs of This Type are Known to Extend Lifespan

In a number of widely different species - yeast, worms, flies, mice - there's a class of pharmaceuticals proven to slow aging and lengthen lifespan.Many anti-aging researchers believe these drugs,

'Youth Drug' Popular with the Rich and Powerful (You Can Get It, Too) about false


'Youth Drug' Popular with the Rich and Powerful (You Can Get It, Too)

Almost 70 years ago, Dr. Ana Aslan, a cardiologist from Rumania, pioneered a treatment to fight aging. It was an injected local anesthetic called procaine (Novocaine), combined with antioxidants and

Herbal-Probiotic Combo Extended Life 60% in This Study about false


Herbal-Probiotic Combo Extended Life 60% in This Study

When researchers investigated the effects of a traditional herbal medicine in a lab at Canada’s McGill University, they expected to find a few health benefits that would give them reason to study it