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15 Simple Ways Preserve and Help Lengthen Telomeres

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15 Simple Ways Preserve and Help Lengthen Telomeres about undefined
While scientists and therapeutic developers race to clinically prove that certain cellular therapies will in fact safely enhance human longevity, there are lifestyle changes and supplements that can help out in the meantime.

So, taking action to preserve/lengthen your telomeres can be a positive step in avoiding age-related health problems.

Based on international scientific research, here’s a handy chart showing the many do-it-yourself lifestyle changes that can help preserve and potentially lengthen your telomeres

15 Ways to Preserve and Help Lengthen Telomeres

  1. Stop Smoking
  2. Avoid drinking alcohol excessively
  3. Say “no” to processed foods, refined sugar, grains, and carbs
  4. Eat plenty of fresh, raw fruit and vegetables
  5. Add lean proteins and healthy fats to your diet
  6. Drink plenty of clean, filtered water
  7. Engage in a regular exercise program (preferably a high-intensity program)
  8. Find ways to reduce your stress (yoga, meditation, Tai Chi, Qi Gong)
  9. Make sure you’re getting enough vitamin D through natural sunlight and supplements
  10. Provide your body with plenty of omega-3s
  11. Raise the level of vitamin C available to your cells
  12. Get adequate supplies of vitamins B12 and B9 (folate)
  13. Ensure you get plenty of rest and adequate sleep at night
  14. Add glutathione (GHS) to your diet through whey protein and raw eggs
  15. Rid your body of environmental toxins by cleansing and detoxification
Bonus #1: Avoid direct contact with EMF (Electro Magnetic Signals) from cell phones, WIFI and cordless phones whenever possible. Keep cell phones out of your pocket and in airplane mode, especially when you're sleeping. It's also a good idea to unplug your WIFI router at bedtime.Bonus #2: For Elite Protection of your Telomere’s, Take a Telomerase-Activation Complex Green Valley Natural Supplements, our sister company, makes a cutting-edge Telomerase-Activation Complex called Genesis™. Genesis has 8 telomere-boosting and anti-aging ingredients. A few of the superstars of the formula are Telos 95™  and a clinical dose of astragalus root, standardized to contain the most potent ‘telomerase activator’ 5% cycloastragenol. Learn more about Genesis...  

About the Author

For over 10 years, W. H. (Bill) Zoch has been a freelance writer primarily focused on the Natural and Alternative Health Industry.

Bill got his initial opportunity to write for the industry in 2007, when he was contracted to write for Dr. Joseph Mercola and the

In the last few years, Bill embarked on two books together with Dr. Michael Cutler. In 2016, The Insulin Factor – How to Repair Your Body’s Master Controller and Conquer Chronic Disease, was published. And in 2017, their second book together, The Cholesterol Super-Brain was released.

This article is an excerpt from his book, The Seven Secret Anti-Aging Strategies Used by the Rich and Famous to Stay Looking and Feeling Young, is Bill’s first joint project with Aging

Bill holds an MBA and lives with his wife and family in beautiful south Florida where he enjoys writing and road cycling year-round.

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